We entered the Athens Game Jam which had the theme ‘Amphipolis’. A ‘recent’ discovery of a tomb had riled up speculation about whom it belonged to, so the game jam was inspired by the possibilities
We made a first person adventure with a simple puzzle involving the mosaic found in the tomb which when completed reveals a secret passage.
Then through traps, puzzles and obstacles you reach the shores of the river Styx, at which point you are supposed to find a way to get Charon to take you to the other side, this is as far as we got, first game jam:
- Under the starry night
- we enter the tomb under the gaze of the sphynxes
- Caryatides holding up the door way
- Let’s check out the mosaic again
- A mosaic depicting the taking of Persephone
- and the last chamber, with the burial pit
- A closer look
- and a view from the other side
- A piece of the mosaic
- Found the missing pieces
- and the mosaic moves
- revelaing a staircase
- that leads below the tomb
- let’s go
- Looks like an ancient catacomb
- time has taken it’s toll
- This guy didn’t survive
- Neither did this guy,
- but at least he left us something useful.
- The door is locked,
- but after picking the lock with the bone fragment it’s open
- An old wooden creaky bridge, nope.
- At least I can now see the other side/
- Where am I going?
- What is this place?
- Something is waiting near the shores
- What is on the other side
- and who owns the boat?
- Mayb I should turn back…